Useful Links


About St.Thomas Aquinas Parish in Palo Alto

Cooley Landing: Cultural Resource Inventory and Assessment, prepared by R. Scott Baxter, Rebecca Allen

  and Mark G. Hylkema for The City of East Palo Alto (August 2007).

Crane, Bo, Remembering Menlo Park's hippie past--and the Whole Truck Store, InMenlo (Jan 22, 2019)

Fredricks, Darold, Menlo Park and the railroad, The Daily Journal (Mar 28, 2011), p. 3.

Frimel, Bill, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, (May 9, 2010)

History of the Menlo Park City School District & our Community

Killelea, Patrick, Visiting Menlough in Ireland, origin of Menlo's Name, (Jun 11, 2011).

Menlo Park City School District - History - Note: this site contains many supporting links.

Menlo Park Fire Protection District - History

Menlo Park VA Hospital - 50 years: A Look Back Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System 1960 – 2010.

Meyer-Buck House, 2111 Sandhill Road, Menlo Park

Miller, Lewis Richard, History of the San Francisco and San Jose Railroad, San Mateo Junior College

  (June 1941).

Rosener House History

SRI International Corporate History

St. Denis Parish History

St. Patrick's Seminary History

Svanevik, Michael and Shirly Burgett, From Menlo Park to Siberia in WWI, The Daily News (11/8/2014), p. A08.

The Church of the Nativity History

Thurlow Estate becomes Dibble General Hospital becomes SRI International, Menlo Park City School District: History of the District and Community.

Sandstone & Tile, the thrice yearly publication of the Stanford Historical Society, has many substantial articles relevant to the history of Menlo Park

Searsville Lake: A History of Changing Uses and Public Perception, Winter 2018, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 13.

A Tale of Winged Beasts: The History of the Stanford Griffins, Winter 2009, vol. 33, no. 1, p. 9.

West Bay Sanitary District - Mission & History


Bridge statistics for Menlo Park covers most vehicle bridges in Menlo Park

Bridge statistics for Palo Alto covers the El Camino bridge over San Francisquito Creek and the Pope Street

  bridge over San Francisquito Creek to Chaucer Street in Palo Alto


USGS Topographical Map Explorer - "Go" to Menlo Park or Palo Alto, "Click" on Palo Alto 1897, 1899, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1968, 1973, or 1991

Stanford Park (1907), Hoag and Lansdale's subdivision

Two Menlos - A friendship agreement between the City of Menlo Park and Galway City, Ireland


Boyce, Dave, Woodside takes steps toward adopting law to preserve historic properties, The Almanac (Apr 17, 2013)

Green, Jason, East Palo Alto: City takes steps toward preserving its history, The Daily News (enter the date Jan 7, 2015 manually)

Swartz, Angela, Burlingame drafts preservation ordinance: Program would begin with buildings downtown, San Mateo Journal (April 17, 2014)


Menlo Park Library

Friends of the Menlo Park Library

The Junior League of Palo Alto*Mid Peninsula

Menlo Park Chamber of Commerce

Peninsula Volulnteers

CONTEMPORARY (listed here by date)

Staigner, Steve, Zott's and Stanford: A Refreshing History, Sandstone and Tile, Fall 2020

Linda Hubbard, The Saga of Alpine Inn aka Zott's over the years, InMenlo, Dec. 30, 2019

Joel Berman, Stanford removes Lagunita Diversion Dam, Stanford News, Feb. 27, 2019

Katie Dowd, A stolen identity, a mysterious coffin and the Frenchman who baffled the Bay Area in the 1880s, SF Gate (May 2, 2018)

Kelly, Kevin, Menlo Park: City OKs funds for new 'Menlo Gates', The Daily News (3/14/2018, updated 2/16/2018)

Kelly, Kevin, Menlo Park: Historical association wants to erect replica of iconic Gate, add museum, Daily News (1/8/2016, revised 1/11/2016)

Clendenin, Jym, Menlo Park celebrates clock tower's 25th birthday, (June 20, 2012)

Clendenin, Jym, Visitor from Galway ties Menlo Park to Its Irish roots, (Oct 16, 2012)

Wood, Barbara, The Irish Connection, The Almanac (Oct 24, 2012)

Drekmeier, Peter, A Creek Runs Through It: The Story of San Francisquito (Aug 22, 2014) - video 30:19 min

Wood, Barbara, The Midpeninsula's History Can Be Found in Menlo Park's Tranquil Cemetery, The Almanac (October 1, 2014)

Lum, Rebecca Rosen, Red-faced Menlo Park backtracks on history book, (Feb 15, 1999)

Steve Staiger, The mysterious Peter Coutts by Steve Staiger (Palo Alto Historian), Palo Alto Online (Dec. 9, 1998)


Cronkite-Ratcliff, Bryce, Camp Fremont Documentary - YouTube (uploaded April 15, 2011)

Dedication of Karl E. Clark Storyboard, June 19, 2021 (Junteenth)

Victorian Days Walking Tours (2020) - Sunday, July 19, 2020: Menlo Park ( the 2nd walk listed) highlights 5 religious structures in Menlo Park


Crane, Bo, Mama Garcia's and "Roadhouse Vallely" on vimeo, presented April 11, 2021, also an article in by Bo Crane: A look back at Mama Garcia's and Roadhous Valley in Portola Valley, April 8, 2021.